Anyone who has been teased for not having trendy clothes would probably agree with me. Young people have enough pressure on them as it is, and trying to keep up with popular fashions in school will only increase their stress levels. At least with uniforms, every studnet is on a level playing field. Uniforms also take the focus off of clothes and put it on studying.
Hi, McLuhan!
I absolutely prefer to wear uniforms.
When I went to school, I didn't. But I had to wear the almost same clothes all the week, because I didn't have many clothes. I tried not to care for my style, but I really envied other students who had fancy brand-name clothes.
Uniforms help students feel free from that kind of emotion, I believe.
I don't like school uniforms. Comparing to casual clothes, They are so expensive. And students have two pairs of same uniforms. Because they need to change clothes. To prepare the wet clothes, almost students two pairs of samd uniforms. It's not cool.
Hi, there!
I totally agree with you because shool needs another regulations about students' casual wearing if they don't put on school uniforms. Actually, every picnic day, I quarreled with studenst who wore inappropriate clothes such as too short skirts, high-heels, sleeveless shirts etc. I don't even want to imagine that the situation expands to daily school lives.
I'm totally for school uniform policy. There are many reasons, But ...
When we conducted a survey with questionaires two years ago, over ninety percent of parents, about seventy percent of teachers, and just a little over fifty percent of students were for it. Isn't it a surprising result?
Of course, the school managers and teachers survey parents' and students' like and dislike before deciding putting on uniforms. In most cases, many of the parents want their children to wear uniforms. And the teachers are the same. Parents, students and teachers are all consent about that. I'm on their side, too.
When I think of students' behavior, I agree with you. Because the students with their uniforms usually act more politely. But, as Lucy's opinion, I think the price of school uniform is too high.
I'm against school uniform. Wearing uniforms will be a good way to regulate students' behavior, but it will not consider each student' taste about choosing suitable clothes. Students have the freedom to select their own decision even if it's bad. They are learning through many mistakes.
Convenience doesn't make any excuses.
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